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Legit is a complementary command-line interface for Git, optimized for workflow simplicity. It is heavily inspired by GitHub for Mac.

Git Workflow for Humans

Feature branch workflows are dead simple.

$ git switch # Switches to branch. Stashes and restores unstaged changes.$ git sync# Syncronizes current branch. Auto-merge/rebase, un/stash.$ git publish # Publishes branch to remote server.$ git unpublish # Removes branch from remote server.$ git harvest # Auto-merge/rebase commits from given branch.$ git sprout # Sprout a new branch from the current branch.$ git graft # Merge unpublished branch into current branch, then remove it.$ git branches# Nice & pretty list of branches publication status.

Installing Legit

$ pip install legit$ legit install

Nice and simple ?the way it should be.

Fork me on GitHub

?? Copyright 2012. A Kenneth Reitz Project.