Citizens with the Saints
For the past week I've been in New Orleans for the 2012 ELCA Youth Gathering.
I was part of a team of four other exceptional people and had a great time. I've done five other gatherings, but this one was by far the most impactful from my point of view.
For me, the heart of the gathering has this piece from Bishop Hanson. There was a strong anti-bullying theme to the Gathering which was a masterful way to get the broader issues of justice and peacemaking to make sene to high school youth.
I was bullied as a kid and it still hurts, I wish I would have heard this message in middle school and I hope and pray that the 28,000 young people take this message home with them and change our culture. That's not hyperbole that's possible.
Bullying is about those that have power lording it over those who don't. It is a justice issue. It often involves violence. It is a peacemaking issue.
The most beautful moment of the Gathering was before it even opened. We had a service of Holden Evening Prayer in one of the club rooms of the dome. It was a small group, maybe 50 people. Rachel Kurtz sang her verison of Hallelujah which is amazing. You should buy it right now.
No I'm serious stop reading go buy it listen to it and then imagine that acoustic in a room of stressed out youth workers ready to embark on what is for many of us the biggest thing we do.
Now imagine it in a dome with 33,000 people and baloons lifiting fabric and lights. Can't imagine it, no worries you don't have to.
I also celebrated my 32nd birthday on Thursday. It's been the most difficult year of my life. While I couldn't be with my family who have so strengthened me I was with some of my oldest and best friends. It's not a turning point, every day is an opportunity to walk closer to the way God intends you to be. But it was pretty fucking awsome.
Dozens, maybe hundreds of youth have posted that this was "the best week ever!!)" My hope, this is the best week ever - until next week.