Jacob Wayne Smith

Experienced Technologist

Jacob has worked with small business, Fortune 50 companies, nonprofits and agencies to provide marketing and technology needs. I have almost two decades of experience helping organizations tell their story and expand their reach.

The bulk of my job is listening first then being in conversation. If you want to know what it is like to work with me, here are some past collaborators.

Jacob is knowledgeable, insightful, and capable. He's a joy to work with because he inspires confidence. Dan Roloff, Publishing Manager, H. E. Butt Foundation
It’s REALLY nice having smart people like Jacob on board. He can turn our crazy, creative ideas into living and breathing reality. Thanks for helping us out. What you do is magic. Seth LaTour, Creative Director, Masterworks
Jacob's ability to identify with the audience's needs ensures that his presentations are well targeted and well timed. Tim, Masterworks
In a planet filled with opinions, I put alot of value in a person that cannot just come up with the strategy but knows how to deliver. Michael Schafer, Principal and Creative Director, openbox9
You f---ing rock. Sara, NTEN
This is one of the best, most fun and useful things I've done lately Lynda, Gathering in the East
Both witty and profound Jake's a rare combination of talents giving human dimension to an increasingly technological world. Dan Roloff, Publishing Manager, H. E. Butt Foundation
Jake has an authentic style, blending humor and candor that make his presentations really pop! Charlie, Youth Ministry Certification School
Id like to think that I AM CSS dangerous because of you, but also the word that stands out is reliable. You are always willing to lend a hand regardless of the task. Thank you for always going beyond to help a non dev member. Joel Velazco, Webconnex

If you want to work together, I currently work at WordPress VIP. We handle infrastructure, performance, and security at scale, so our clients are free to focus on what matters. With our unparalleled agility, flexibility, and interoperability, WordPress VIP is the best digital experience solution at scale. Want to know more, let me know.

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If you work with A Brave New you can expect transparency in that work. That means we aren’t afraid to let you see how the sausage is made.

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The last week of the calendar year is the biggest online fundraising week of the year. Network for Good, which collects donations for more than 40,000 charities, reports that 30 percent of the donations they collect come in during December. The majority of those donations happen on the 30th or 31st.

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I grew up being told that I could trust police officers and that if I was in trouble or lost I could always go to one for help. I can’t imagine a world where that isn’t the case. Problem is I don’t have to imagine it, I’m living in it. Or better put I’m living beside it.

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I recently attended my second Creative Mornings and heard this great talk by Hillel Cooperman Rated “R” for adult language, but hilarious adult language.

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I’m a reasonable nervous flier. By that I mean I understand the fact that riding my bike in the city is more likely to get me hurt than flying. But I also know that it’s an engineering masterpiece that is keeping me up there.

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Yesterday Dollar a Day launched. It’s a giving program that let’s you sign up for a $30 a month gift that is distributed across 30 nonprofits.

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